Welcome to my website.

I am a MovNat certified trainer and a teacher of natural patterns of movement. I myself am an active mover, using my body and evolving. I am motivated to move and live like a human.

I teach my clients how to improve their quality of life through movement, how to understand their body, how to use it so that they can rely on it in the future, and how to increase not only their muscles but also their health and happiness.

The body's appearance and functionality are dictated by how it is used. And "we don't use our bodies much".

Movement is an integral part of our lives from the very start. Actually, even the very first breath that we take after we are born is also a form of movement. However, we have forgotten how to move in a natural and, most importantly, a diverse way. This has given rise to various troubles (both physical and mental).

Natural movements are what, in one year, transform a little baby that has not the strength even to raise its own head into a "bandit" who can go wherever he likes, take whatever he fancies and climb wherever he wants. Nobody tells him, "So, now you're going to do some crunches because you need strong abs. And tomorrow, we'll exercise the muscles of your back."

I know how weird that sounds, but that's how we adults exercise.

We have a different potential, though: to move, naturally, use our bodies, and reap enjoyment and benefit therefrom. The fact that our health problems start disappearing, our bodies start getting into shape, our athletic performance improves, we feel better and have more enjoyment out of life, is all an integral part of this. That doesn't require any extra thought. Just as children don't think about it either. All you have to do is incorporate movement into your life again.

Start once again to draw on the efficiency and healing powers of Natural Motion; start to Move Like a Human.

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As a MovNat certified trainer, my lessons are based on natural patterns of movement, and on the efficiency and practicality of the moves you learn.

The workouts aim to turn innate human abilities (such as crawling, running, carrying and more) into mastered and adopted skills.

Because this type of movement is innate in us, it has a tremendous effect on all the usual goals:
- it banishes pain and physical troubles
- it shapes the figure (weight loss, muscle growth)
- it adds stamina and enjoyment out of life
- it is hugely practical and useful, ...

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Ondřej Škoch 2015REFERENCES

Ondřej Škoch, Chinaski bass guitarist. I was diagnosed with Scheuermann's disease. My back hurt virtually all the time especially following concerts. The "Natural Motion" was a real turning point ...

Veronika Malá, women's national handball team. I severed the cruciate ligament in one knee while changing direction. I had an operation. Training with Matyáš works ...

Ája Škochováborn in 1946, retired. I slipped on an icy pavement and fell. I was diagnosed with slipped discs in my lumbar and cervical spine. Physiotherapy led nowhere. But training sessions with Matyáš ...

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MovNat Level 2ABOUT ME

I worked as a personal trainer for six years. I worked with elite athletes, artists, people who had been injured, people who wanted to get into shape, and even with children. I also worked with people whom nobody else (doctors or trainers) had been able to help.

In July 2014 I flew to London, passed the exams and qualified as a MovNat certified trainer. This opened new doors for me. After one year of natural motion, my body has transformed.

In February 2015 I extended my knowledge further and qualified as a MovNat Level 2 certificated trainer in Stockholm, Sweden.

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